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Sunday, September 22, 2013

To every thing , there is a season

I created these to send kind thoughts, a show of respect, a gentle word with some beauty and care to lift someone's spirits who is in pain, has experienced a loss, and is feeling alone.

I particularly like the sentiment, to every thing, there is a season, a time for every purpose, under heaven, set withing a circular frame and surrounding the bursting dandelion. The invevitability of our mortality can be tolerable within the philosophy of acceptance. Our natural cycle is the same as any living creature, high or low. We alone have a higher sense of awareness. This bursting dandelion calls to mind the exquisite power of our awareness, the third eye if you will. I want to take each day as a gift, to be honored . I want to treat my body with reverence, and keep it clean and healthy out of respect and care for my children and their future children. And finally, the five banners are like family banners... they represent the past , present , future, and all those we love.